Community Events & Experiences

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Events that Enrich, Engage, & Excite

At the heart of Bella Mar at Delray Beach, our events breathe life and joy into our community. Our calendar is filled with activities made to enrich life, bring people together, and add excitement to everyday living. 

With us, there’s always a new chance to connect, learn, and have fun with friends.

Our wide variety of events and experiences means there’s always something for you or your loved one to enjoy, from energizing fitness classes to movie nights in our theater. 

We also love it when your friends and family join us in celebrating the spirit of community and togetherness.

From creative workshops that spark your imagination to informative talks that can broaden your worldview, each experience is an open invitation to live life more fully. 

Join us at Bella Mar at Delray Beach and see where the adventure can go next!

Bringing the World Closer to Home

Our dining experiences take residents on international culinary adventures every month. These experiences whisk residents’ tastebuds to far-off places with celebrations that honor different cultures, histories, and exquisite cuisines. 

During these experiences, residents can learn about each featured destination, discover fascinating facts, and enjoy lively entertainment, making every experience something new.

What’s Around Our Community?

Beyond our monthly escapades, there’s a world to discover outside our community. 

From visiting a nearby museum to spending a day at a local farmer’s market, there’s plenty to see and do. With our scheduled transportation services, community members can explore the local features of Delray Beach that make life beautiful and relaxing:

Why wait? Schedule a visit with us today, and let’s start exploring new adventures together!

Our Events

Celebrate Enriched Life Here

Schedule your visit with us now and become part of a community that finds happiness in the little things. 

Join us in making every day an occasion worth celebrating!

Enriching Life Is Our Focus

Indulge in the enriching experiences offered by our wellness programming. Enjoy a full calendar of activities that cater to every aspect of living well.

Health & Wellness

Every day brings new adventures and opportunities to see the world in a whole new light. Discover our selection of engaging and intriguing weekly events.


With fresh ingredients and chef-inspired dishes, we deliver unforgettable dining experiences that cater to a variety of palates and diets.


Our Location Information


  • 14100 Via Flora,
  • Delray Beach, FL 33484


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