Our Community Gallery in Delray Beach

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A Glimpse into Our Cozy Space

At Bella Mar at Delray Beach, we bring more than just the basics of senior living. We’re all about giving you or your loved one an experience that’s rich, lively, and tailored to your personal likes and needs.

Picture kicking off the day with a gentle yoga session under the sun, then sitting down to a delicious, healthy, chef-made breakfast.

Our event schedule’s bursting with things to do, from painting to learning new things. Every day brings something exciting. You might catch up in a fun game or take a quiet walk in our pretty outdoor areas. Every moment is set up here to make you feel joyous and content.

At Bella Mar, it’s more than just living—it’s about enjoying life with stories and smiles shared daily.

Visit Us Today

Find the lively home you’ve been looking for at Bella Mar at Delray Beach.

Check out our gallery to see what makes our community stand out. Book a visit now and get ready to start a fresh chapter with us. A new adventure is waiting!

Enriching Life Is Our Focus

Indulge in the enriching experiences offered by our wellness programming. Enjoy a full calendar of activities that cater to every aspect of living well.

Health & Wellness

Every day brings new adventures and opportunities to see the world in a whole new light. Discover our selection of engaging and intriguing weekly events.


With fresh ingredients and chef-inspired dishes, we deliver unforgettable dining experiences that cater to a variety of palates and diets.


Our Location Information


  • 14100 Via Flora,
  • Delray Beach, FL 33484


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