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Category: Assisted Living

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How Often Should You Visit a Parent in Assisted Living?

An adult daughter hugs her senior parents outside of their home in an assisted living community.

Moving to assisted living is a significant change for both our senior loved ones and their families. You might wonder, “How often should I visit my family member in assisted living?” It’s important to strike a balance between encouraging independence and providing essential support. Assess their needs and consider any external influences to determine the […]

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When to Move from Assisted Living to Memory Care 

A daughter embraces her mature mother while visiting her loved one in memory care.

Finding the most suitable care community for your loved one matters. It can influence one’s overall well-being and quality of life. Different levels of care are provided based on residents’ unique needs. Assisted living focuses on promoting independence and socialization, while memory care prioritizes safety, specialized support for cognitive challenges, and social connections. Signs to […]

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What Is Assisted Living Versus a Nursing Home

An assisted living staff serving food to an older adult resident.

Assisted living and nursing homes are long-term care options for individuals who require assistance with their daily activities. Both offer a safe, secure, and supportive environment for older adults, but they differ in the level of care provided. The primary distinctions between assisted living and nursing homes encompass various aspects such as: Understanding Assisted Living […]

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